Pros and Cons of Commercial Fishing

The most common species harvested for commercial fishing are fish and shellfish. There are two major categories of fish – demersal and pelagic. Common demersal fish include cod, haddock, hake, and Pollock, as well as all flatfish. Pelagic fish include Herring, and related species, as well as tuna. Other common species targeted by commercial fisheries include crayfish, snails, and mollusks.
Overfishing is a major threat to fish populations and ocean health. The use of less-selective fishing gear results in substantial catch – up to 40% of global catches. Sustainable management of fisheries is crucial for the health and productivity of marine ecosystems and commercial fishing. Commercial fishing is a major contributor to human well-being and to the economy. By far the largest traded commodity in the world, seafood has the greatest economic impact.
Read More: Commercial Fishing Methods
Various types of fisheries have developed in recent years. The European purse Seine boats are approximately thirty meters long and have an aft wheelhouse to help fishermen haul the net. The vessels generally store the fish in chilled seawater tanks. Some larger vessels also have thrusters, which aid in sideways movement and improve maneuverability when laying the nets. But a major difference between European and American fisheries lies in the size and complexity of trawlers.Click here for more information about Mercari
In the sea fishery, trawling is one of the most common methods. While rowboats can be used to fish for shellfish, highly automated trawlers are now being operated by large vessels. And a trawl, or large cone-shaped net bag, is towed across the seabed, mid-water, and surface. Trawls are the most common fishing gear used in northwest Europe and are second only to purse seines in total catch worldwide.